Covestro Desmodur BL 3575/1 MPA/SN heat-activated HDI curing agent low heat yellowing
Type Based onHDICapped aliphatic polyisocyanate Supply form about 75% Solvent Naphtha100 / 1-Methoxy Propyl acetate-2(17:8) Purpose withDesmophen® used together with the brand, can prepare light-fast …
Covestro Desmodur BL 3575/1 MPA/SN heat activated HDI curing agent low heat yellowing
… Type Based onHDIblocked aliphatic polyisocyanate Form of Supply about 75% solvent naphtha100 / 1-methoxy Arial-2(17:8) Purpose withDesmophen®Brands can be used together to prepare light-resist…